
How Do I Get My Cat To Stop Peeing Everywhere

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Help! My cat is peeing everywhere…

Sound familiar? There are different reasons your cat is showing this undesired behaviour and in this post we will share some useful strategies and tips to help you tackle the problem, including a downloadable cheat sheet.

But first, we need to distinguish between two types of innapropriate urination in cats:

  1. Elimination: Elimiation involves urinating on horizontal surfaces, with the cat crouching as they would to pee in the litter tray… but just not in litter tray!  If you cat is eliminating outside of the tray it can indicate a urinary tract infection or similar medical issue.  For cases of innapropriate elimination we would advise having your pet examined by a Vet. Call us on 02 9960 2856 to chat to a vet and/or make an appointment or book online.
  2. Urine marking or spraying: Urine marking or spraying involves urinating on vertical surfaces (walls, furniture). Your  cat will position himself with his or her tail high up in the air and will urinate at cat nose height, sometimes with a little tremble of the tail (see image below).

Why do cats spray?

Spraying or marking their territory is generally associated with a stressful event or a change in their environment.

All cats, male and female, neutered or not mark their territory with urine spraying.

Cat spraying target area

Common factors that may cause your cat to start spraying are:

  • Building work
  • Redecoration
  • Moving house
  • Re-homing
  • Boarding in a cattery
  • Hospitalisation
  • Illness
  • Changes to an owner's routine
  • Conflict and tension in a multi-cat household
  • Loss of a feline companion or owner
  • Introduction of a new pet or person
  • Stressful events – Christmas, social gatherings
  • Restricted access to territory – fireworks

How to stop your cat spraying

  1. Plug in a Feliway Diffuser in the room the cat frequents most.
  2. Clean sprayed areas with water & surgical alcohol & allow to dry.
  3. When dry, spray these areas with Feliway Spray daily to reduce the likelihood of urine spraying.
  4. Stop spraying Feliway when the cat starts to rub the site with its head. If this not observed continue use for at least 1 month.
  5. Use of a Feliway Diffuser can help and stop a relapse in this behaviour.

You can buy or order all the Feliway products at Mosman Vet (9 Canrobert Street, Mosman NSW 2088). If you have any questions, please give us a call on 02 9960 2856.

How to stop your cat urinating inappropriately 1

Alongside the use of Feliway, environmental changes may be required including an increase in litter trays, elevated hiding places, separate feeding and water bowls. If urine marking continues, behavioural and further environmental modifications may be required and may need veterinary advice. In entire cats urine spraying is also associated with sexual excitement in male cats or the onset of oestrus in female cats. To manage this problem the cat should be neutered. In cats with a history of urine spraying, also consider using a Feliway Diffuser prior to stressful events (several days before the anticipated event) to prevent a relapse in this unwanted behaviour.

Download the Feliway brochure about "Urine marking in cats – What you can do" for a good overview of how to tackle the problem.

You can also visit their blog for how to tackle other undesired cat behaviour with the help of Feliway.

Posted on 6 December 2012
Last updated on 16 December 2019
Tagged with: behaviour, urinary

How Do I Get My Cat To Stop Peeing Everywhere


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